

Original price was: $35.00.Current price is: $22.00.

Assorted colors – unsexed – LOCAL PICK UP!
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CUTE BEAUTIFUL FUN! Can’t say enough about these cuties! Every Flock needs these!

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They are fluffy, they are quirky, and they are definitely unique!The Silkie chicken breed is one of the most bizarre breeds of chickens, offering backyard chicken keepers entertaining personalities, sweet temperaments, and gorgeous appearances to boot.
This breed is a stand-out in the chicken world for many reasons.

Although Silkie chickens differs greatly from other popular breeds, making it one of the less common breeds you can raise, it is a one-of-a-kind option that every homesteader should consider for their backyard flock.

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Silkie Chickens Overview

Here’s an overview of this breed’s characteristics so you can get an idea of what these birds are like before learning about the details.
Lifespan 7 to 9 years
Weight 3 to 4 pounds
Appearance Soft, fuzzy feathers of a variety of colors
Egg Color Cream
Egg Production 100 to 150 per year
Good for Beginners? Yes
Minimum Coop Size 4 square feet per bird

The Origin of Silkie Chickens

These bizarre-looking breed is believed to have come from Asia. It is unknown from where (or when), exactly, these breeds originated, but the most well-documented potential origin is ancient China.

A popular trade item on the Silk Road, the geography of the Silkie chicken lends itself naturally to the name of this breed.

That being said, the Silkie chicken can be traced back to other locations in Southeast Asia as well, such as Java and India.
silkie rooster.

Marco Polo first wrote about a “furry chicken” breed in the recount of his 13th-century Asian travels, with the first naturalist account of the chicken published in 1598 by Ulisse Aldrovandi.

Silkies eventually traveled west on the Silk Road and reached North American soil shortly after via the maritime trade.

It was recognized officially in North America in 1874, rising to popularity quite rapidly in the States.

Due to its unique appearance, the Silkie chicken is surrounded by some interesting folklore.

For example, early Dutch breeders told consumers that the breed was the result of mating rabbis and chickens.

Popular in circus and carnival freak shows, these chickens were once believed to have actual mammalian fur, too.

Today, the Silkie chicken is one of the most ubiquitous and iconic breeds of chicken commonly kept on homesteads and family farms.

Usually kept as ornamental or pet chickens, they are also fantastic mothers and can be used to hatch the eggs of other chickens and poultry breeds.




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