Here we free feed the puppies because of the weaning process. We have pet doors so they can go outside and potty when they are ready. We don’t expect everyone to put in a pet door before adopting one of our puppies. But time feedings are something that they are not used to. There are two ways to help your pup learn timed feeds. 1. Taking and dividing the recommend allowance (on the side of the Purina Pro bag) into into halves or thirds and giving it to him/her 2-3 times a day, or using the 15 minute rule. 2. Where they can have all they want for 15 minutes, 2-3 times a day. The purpose of timed feeds is to help you know when they need to go potty. If you know when they eat you know when they need to potty (usually 2-10 minutes after). Time feeding is crucial to potty training unless your puppy gives you obvious signs of needing to go…circling, sniffing the ground, etc. Not every puppy gives such obvious signs. But it is very important that you see your pup go potty because it will tell you the level of stress that your puppy is experiencing. Hard firm poo is no stress and the acclimation process is going flawlessly. Formed poo but soft is normal stress and most puppies experience this. Then, there is the completely stressed out poo and it is extremely soft to runny and you need to help this puppy deal with this. We recommend to start with canned pumpkin and yogurt (tsp. beside the food) but you can also use kaopectate with some probios from a feed store or Tractor Supply or Rural King (if runny, get electrolytes as well). Stress does the same to them as it does to us, it tears up their bellies, and can cause them to get sick!
We usually send enough puppy food home with you for about 5 days. They usually don’t eat as much when they first go home due to the excitement of it all. And with them just getting the 8 week shot they usually sleep a little more those first few days home. It is crucial that you do NOT change their food for the first 2-3 weeks home! If you add this additional stress to them don’t be surprised when you cause severe diarrhea and even throwing up! You are assured extra vet bills if you do not heed my advice.