Jack the Boxer Pup is available! He’s $2100.⁰⁰ DOB: 11/09/2024AKC Full Registration Fawn Black Mask White Markings – Male Mom: Dad: Talk about the most kind hearted, sweetest boy ever! He will definitely be a momma boy or daddies buddy! He really enjoyed wearing the grand kids out, […]
akc fawn boxers
3 posts
Sue the Boxer Pup is available. She’s $2300.⁰⁰ DOB: 11/04/2024AKC Full Registration Fawn Black Mask – Female Mom: Dad: Wanna talk about fun?! Sue has got it going on! She does great with the Grand babies, and loves to have a good time! She is always up for […]
CLICK the link👇under pictures for PRICE & INFO BILL the Boston Pup BECKI the Boston Pup JACK the Boxer Pup SUE the Boxer Pup STELLAR the Boston Pup SYLVIA the Shih Tzu Pup Marmalade the Golden Pup Gum Drop the Golden Pup