Rhode Island Red Chicks


Famous ALL American Chicken!


SHIPPING (Eggs only)

Chicks are STRAIGHT RUN (not sexed)



The Rhode Island Red is one of the most famous and popular chicken breeds. These truly American chickens are great brown egg layers and one of our best-selling breeds of day-old baby chicks.

Rhode Island Reds were developed in the 1860’s in Rhode Island from Red Malays, Brown Leghorns and Asiatic stock. They were originally known as Red Javas but were shown as Rhode Island Reds in 1898 and were admitted to the Standard of Perfection under the same name in 1904. Rhode Island Red chicks are dark red with some having darker streaks down the back. The wing tips, chest and abdomen are lighter with the wing tips appearing white. They have single combs and clean, yellow legs and feet. The adult plumage is dark mahogany red with a black tail. They are considered a dual-purpose breed but are primarily used for brown egg production.

Additional information


Poultry Show Class: American Class
Type: standard
Class: Production
Heritage Breed: no
Egg Color: brown
Egg Size: large
Egg Production: best
Disposition: better
Broody (Likely to Sit): not at all likely
Free Range: good
Heat Tolerance: better
Cold Tolerance: excellent
Comb Type: single
Leg Style: clean
Leg Color: yellow
Skin Color: yellow
Bird Size: extra large
Meat Production: better
Weeks to Maturity: 19
Mating Ratio:  10 Females to 1 Males
Male Mature Weight: 8.5 lbs
Female Mature Weight: 6.5 lbs
Roost Height:  2 to 4 feet
Country of Origin: United States, Rhode Island


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