Jack the Boxer Pup is available! He’s $2100.⁰⁰ DOB: 11/09/2024AKC Full Registration Fawn Black Mask White Markings – Male Mom: Dad: Talk about the most kind hearted, sweetest boy ever! He will definitely be a momma boy or daddies buddy! He really enjoyed wearing the grand kids out, […]
Autumn H
Sue the Boxer Pup is available. She’s $2300.⁰⁰ DOB: 11/04/2024AKC Full Registration Fawn Black Mask – Female Mom: Dad: Wanna talk about fun?! Sue has got it going on! She does great with the Grand babies, and loves to have a good time! She is always up for […]
Poppy is 💕ADOPTED💘 and is no longer available. He’s $2600.⁰⁰ on SALE $1900.⁰⁰ DOB: 06/24/2024GO HOME DATE (8 weeks old): 8/19/2024ACA Registered with PEDIGREECream – Male – Shiba Inu Meet Mom – Puyumi – Puyumi is the sweetest Shiba we have. She is always up for fun, loves to […]
Hard Run Acres Pug Sire LAKES POLLY WANTS A ZACKER Registered AKC & ACA D.O.B: 12/14/2020 Zack isn’t much for the work life, and has a blast running the farm! Most of his days are spent sun bathing, soaking up the AC, and chasing down the Grand babies! Zack always […]
Sookie Loves to play, and loves to be out running the yard with the Grand babies! She is such a sweet girl, and has such a great personality. Her Brindle is beautiful throughout, and she is built like a little tank. She is on the smaller side of Bostons weighing […]
Selena is available! Female Shiba Inu – INTACT Red D.O.B: 12/18/2016microchip #: ….2246ACA KS-ABAUABR 1B2B75-05 U She’s $300.oo Selena will take a little bit to warm up, and is more “cat” like than the rest of the crew. It takes a little bit to gain her trust. She isn’t very […]
Jewel is available! Female Boxer – INTACTBrindle Black Mask D.O.B: 12/27/2015microchip #: ….4740AKC WS52634309 She’s $300.oo Jewel is a beautiful dark tiger striped brindle Boxer! She loves to be around people, and has a blast with kids! She is ok with other dogs, but she prefers friends her size 🙂 […]
Ava is a great mom even to pups that are not hers! She is always just the sweetest girl! She has a great personality, super friendly, and always wants to be by your side! When she plays with the other dogs, she’s usually more on the submissive side, but she’s […]
Benita is a beautiful Red Shiba that takes her guard duties serious! She’s always telling everyone who’s boss, and loves to play fetch! She isn’t too much into tag unless she’s the one chasing! She loves to snoop for lizards, and is always nosing around! Benita weighs 18-20 lbs.
Foxy, is my most active, outgoing Female Pug! She is Beautiful solid Black, and weighs 17 lbs. She is up for anything from swimming, to playing fetch, all the way to chasing anything that she can! She is always ready to play, and will entertain herself, after wearing everyone else […]